Gulliver is disgusted when he visits the city of Lagado below and sees the destructive influence the Laputians’ theories have had, turning a once functioning people into a broken society. He meets the Laputian king and observes life in Laputa where everyone is so obsessed with abstract mathematical, musical, and astronomical theory that they are utterly incompetent about practical matters and can barely hold a conversation. Gulliver sets out yet again to sea and is again stranded, this time getting taken up by the Laputians to their floating island. Back among humans, Gulliver is astonished by their littleness. One day, the box Gulliver is carried around in for outings gets snatched up by a bird on the beach and, dumped in the sea, he is picked up by a human ship and carried back to England. He offers to help the Brobdingnagian king strengthen his power by using gunpowder and is puzzled the king’s disgust, concluding that, though the Brobdingnagians are a good-hearted people, they are just not as sophisticated as humans. Gulliver tries to maintain his dignity with little success. In the court, Gulliver is well cared for but everyone laughs frequently at his physical mishaps. After being forced to perform exhausting freak shows by the Brobdingnagian farmer, Gulliver is sold to the Brobdingnagian queen, the farmer’s daughter and his loving caretaker Glumdalclitch in tow. Gulliver soon sets out on his next voyage and is stranded in the land of Brobdingnag where the Brobdingnagians are immense giants and Gulliver feels like a Lilliputian. Gulliver escapes to Blefuscu and then returns to England. Gulliver makes friends with the Blefuscans’ when they come to make peace and, soon after, an unnamed man of the court informs Gulliver that the Lilliputian court plans to accuse him of treason and put out his eyes. He successfully assists Lilliput by stealing the neighboring Blefuscans’ war ships and receives a high honor, but the Lilliputian king begins to cool towards Gulliver when Gulliver refuses to help enslave the Blefuscans. He befriends the king and puts out a fire in the palace by urinating on it. Gulliver is at first chained to a big abandoned temple then, after surrendering his weapons and signing articles of allegiance to Lilliput, he is granted his liberty. The Lilliputians are astonished by Gulliver’s size but treat him gently, providing him with lots of food and clothes.

He takes a job on a ship and ends up shipwrecked in the land of Lilliput where he is captured by the miniscule Lilliputians and brought to the Lilliputian king. Lemuel Gulliver is a married English surgeon who wants to see the world.